Claim your account at In order to claim your account you will need to provide some information to prove your right to this account. Shafter - 120 S Beech Ave Avenal - 1004 S 5th Ave Lancaster - 44130 10th St W Tehachapi - 801 W. Tehachapi Blvd, Suite #1 Atwater - 201 Gertrude Ave Yucca Valley- 7340 Hopi Trail Hanford - 13180 Hanford Armona Dr Bakersfield - 8601 Kern Canyon Rd Merced - 1236 W 13th Stmerced Blythe - 225 S Carlton Ave Madera - 25962 Avenue 17 1/2 Atwater - 699 Green Sands Ave Porterville - 671 N Plano St Shafter - 200 S Elm St Lancaster - 1209 E Avenue I Buckeye - 24901 W Yuma Rd Pasco - 3302 N Rd 44 Sonora - 18600 Eagle Ridge Dr Victorville - 15262 Mojave Dr Rocklin - 3181 Industrial Ave Atwater - 1680 E Bellevue Rd Yucca Valley- 55970 Yucca Trail Delhi - 10733 Flower St Yuba City - 517 Garden Hwy Oakdale - 570 Hi Tech Pkwy Madera - 37496 Ave 12 If your information matches the information we have on file you will be granted access to the website. Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Tenant Details First Name * Last Name * Access/Gate Code * Email * New Password * Confirm New Password * Cancel